Best Solutions

It’s easy to take your business for granted when it is performing well. However, finding fast, effective solutions are important when problematic issues develop, and customer issues become a reality rather than a possibility. Our knowledgeable technicians are proficient in this area of expertise, having been cross-trained on various platforms and technologies. As a result, they are fully prepared to resolve in a way that prevents your business from achieving optimal productivity.

Why only we

We are a one-stop solution for all your needs, and we can build your product with the latest technologies and do marketing most efficiently. Most importantly, we are professionals developing PFM apps.

  • Design your product
  • Experts guidence on design
  • Build your product
  • Validate your product
  • Marketing your product
  • Pivoting Guidance

Why Choose fintroops

Product Design
UI/UX analysis

Data – both quantitative and qualitative – informs decision-making for design direction. Understanding what the data is telling you impacts your information architecture, personas, user flows, interface design, and a variety of other aspects of the user experience.

We at fintroops Having multiple dimensions of data allows companies to innovate, and having a multidimensional strategy requires looking at a design challenge from different angles. Our 8 Methods of UX Analysis methods fall into four categories – the User Perspective, the Business Perspective, the Expert Perspective, and the Technical Perspective. Each offers a unique vantage point, allowing you to feed your design process with real insight.

Building your Product

The problem is that too many entrepreneurs are stuck with data that supports building a business, but not necessarily their business. They don’t know if their solution is something people want until it hits the market. Fortunately, there’s a way to find out demand for a product before launch.

But before we get into that, let’s discuss the systems that entrepreneurs currently employ to determine if they should build a business:

1. Market size and trends

2. Amount of competitors in a geographic region

3. Study demographics to determine if their product will fit

Marketing Your Product

We believe in these Seven things.

1. Tell a (True) Story About Your Product

2. Don’t Work Against Your Brand Perception (or Product Category)

3. Show What Your Competitors Won’t Do

4. Market to Your Existing Customers

5. New Product? Try a New Brand Name

6. Make an Exciting Promise – that You Actually Deliver On

7. Fail Fast and Move On

Validating Your Product

Just the simple act of writing forces you to consider things you may have previously glossed over. I’m not talking about writing a “business plan.” (For startups, a business plan isn’t the best use of time and will change as soon as you start talking with prospective customers).

1. Who is your customer?

2. What problems are you solving?

3. How does your product solve those problems?

4. What are the key features of the product?

Pivoting your Idea

Dont worry we will be part of each and every step and pivot is the area we specilized in like. After doing careful market research we can clearly potray where we can make changes for complete growth.

What Our Developers Can Do For You

We create customer centric designs and develop them according to the customer needs because
everything we do is for customers.

UX/UI design
Responsive design
Print ready design
Android apps development
iOS apps development
E-commerce development
Build First

We take developing a product very seriously because to create a successful startup, we should not be patient.

Validate Next

With our latest marketing techniques and go-to-market strategy, we validate any product upon the customer's requirements within days.

Pivot for Best

You will get valuable feedback, and upon the requirements, we can pivot your idea and build the iterated product in no time.

Create a fintech startup in less than 60 Seconds

Contact us for detailed information about what we provide.
To contact us all you need is an Idea.